Saturday, October 08, 2011

My dramamama group

By popular demand, I will blog about my lovely dramamama project group.I will be as ambiguous as possible so as to protect their identities and avoid being picked up by Google or anything, but if they (my group members or people in question) do come here it should be pretty obvious who I'm talking about.. oh well.

Before I go into that, I have to apologize for not blogging much! Meh. I will try to blog more k. Try. Anyway most (if not all) people who read my blog follow me on Twitter anw, so it's not like you have to keep visiting here to check for new blog entries, can just see my Newsfeed! I always tweet when I have a new blog entry.

SO ANYWAY. On to the story. For this particular module I'm taking this sem, I have a group project. My group originally consisted of 6 members. 3 of them are irrelevant to this story so I will just talk about the other 2 of them.

Drama 0.5
We exchanged numbers after the first lesson so we could arrange a group meeting online. After some email discussions and SMS discussions, we arranged to meet on a particular day. We met, discussed, etc and throughout this whole process, Girl B could not be contacted nor did she reply our emails. She was missing from the entire first week.
(we later on found out she gave us the wrong number.. but still.. not replying emails? o.0 )

Drama 1
Guy A was the appointed 'leader' of the group (randomly chosen by tutor). He was a Year 3 Pol Sci major and seemed pretty knowledgeable based on my interactions with him. He carried out his 'leader' duties fairly okay... let discussion.. etc.

Then one day, out of the blue, on the day of a crucial meeting which we would be discussing the direction of our group, he suddenly texts us:

"Hi guys, I think this may come of a sudden shock to u all and also very douche that (it) is last minute. I'm withdrawing from school. A lot of bullshit is happening in my life right now and I need to clear it up. Hope u guys can understand and sorry to leave u guys hanging. I'll speak to --- abt this soon. Thanx and sorry once again"

Indeed I was shocked, and obviously frustrated as this threw us out of rhythm. But it's a typical case of 'shit happens', so just have to move on and accept my 'suayness' to have a school-quitter in my group. He explained it fully and apologized and all so ... nothing much we can do!

So I more or less stepped up as the new leader and directed the group (I always seem to have to do this otherwise the group just stagnates.. that's why I hate group work), and we carried on with our project.

Drama 2 (minor)
Everything was going fine, we just completed our class presentation (unrelated to our project), all 5 of us. We were clearing up our mini-deadlines accordingly.

Then came the first sign of trouble. It wasn't apparent to me yet, but something was wrong. Let's say our group's topic was about Cats (it's not, but I don't want to put the actual topic here)
So according to our work allocation, me and Girl B are supposed to find movies about Cats and do some analysis about how Cats have changed or been represented.

So Girl B submits to our compiler 3 movies which she said was about Cats, but does not elaborate in any way.
Thus our compiler asks her to elaborate more, otherwise she won't be able to link it with everyone else's work. So Girl B then proceeds to just copy paste a paragraph from the journal article which she got all 3 examples from without bothering to summarize/paraphrase/explain it.

On further examination, I found that one of the movies wasn't even about cats at all - it was just a show about animals. Girl B clearly did not even bother to read it properly and just pasted everything to us without processing.

Drama 3 (main story)

So I pointed it out , and she never corrected nor addressed it. Then out of the blue, she sent us an email:

Sorry for last min notice. But I won't be continuing with this project group for this semester due to some personal reasons. 

WTFF. Naturally, after losing one group member, and now losing another one, in the most ambiguous way possible ('some personal reasons' ?? ) , I was super frustrated and annoyed and curious. Not to mention that the deadline is in 2 weeks time, so it's bloody irresponsible of her.

And note that she said 'won't be continuing with this project group', not that she would be dropping the module or leaving school or what. So I was thinking, how can lidat one? Can just quit the group??

So I texted her and pressed her for the reason. And she finally replied with this:

"Basically I didn't really agree with the topic to begin with and as you can see I don't agree with a lot of things that the rest of our group are insisting on. I don't wanna risk my grades so I decided to do something about it. I need my grades to do honours. I'm either joining another group or doing it alone."
(bolded text is bolded for a reason, you'll know later on)

My first thought was - BITCH. You 'dont want to risk your grades' ??? Implying that we suck and thus you don't want to stay with us la!

But the next thought was like, how can she just quit the group just cos she felt she didn't agree with us? So the solution for group conflict is.. to quit? Is this even allowed? (btw, she never voiced her disagreement to the group at all so we had no idea)

So I asked her if she told this to our tutor, and she said yes, she discussed with the tutor before coming to her decision. So I thought ok, so the tutor knows her reasons, and has allowed her given the circumstances.
It seemed pretty reasonable to me, though abit douchebag la, but if really so desperate and you really believe you can do a better job yourself, then I can understand.

Several days later, I sent an email to my tutor to officially inform her that Girl B has left our group, and I also wanted to confirm that Girl B will NOT be allowed to return to our group if say later on she realized she can't do it herself and wanted to join back. I was worried the tutor didn't even know abt the situation then ... it's not fair to my group if she could just last minute tag along!

Lo and behold, after an email exchange, I found out that there was more that meets the eye.

First, my tutor only knew that Girl B wanted to quit my group because "she was uncomfortable with the topic the group was doing " 

Nothing about the group conflicts, nothing about her needing grades for honors and hence not wanting to risk it with our sucky group ( being sarcastic here. -_- got me how can be sucky HAHA. just kidding. ) My tutor did not know the full reasons at all. Girl B was totally smoking me when she said she told our tutor everything alr.

Next, my tutor actually told her this:
"she needs your group's permission before she could leave and I said this to her in the presence of others who she wanted to work with. Also I had asked her to formally email me and you all so that there is transparency in the whole matter and I am aware of everything. However, I received no mail from anyone. "

Girl B obviously did not ask for our permission in any way, she just INFORMED us that she was leaving, totally disregarding what the tutor had said. And clearly did not make it very transparent - she didn't even explain the reasons for her leaving at all. The rest of my group members are in the dark as to why she left.

Looks like when she said 'I decided to do something about it', she meant she's going to be a lying bitch. Right.

So anyway, I've just sent my tutor an email with the full details of this situation, and also hinted that the girl should get penalised in some way (haha):

Me: "It just doesn't sit well with me a student can behave in such a way by withholding information from the tutor and her group and making her own decisions and get away with it scot-free. "

 And there you have it. Story of my life.